ProjectWise Explorer Help

Using Wild Cards in the Quick Search Field

The following wild cards are allowed in the Quick Search field:

To replace Use Examples
multiple characters in a search text string the asterisk * or percent % character *.DGN - would search for all documents in the current folder that have the file extension DGN

overview.* - would search for all documents in the current folder whose name before the dot (.) is OVERVIEW regardless of file type (for example, overview.doc, overview.dgn, overview.pdf)

plan* - would search for all documents and folders whose name begins with PLAN (for example, Plans, plan.pdf, plant.dgn).

*ference - would search for all documents and folders whose name ends with FERENCE (for example, reference, interference).

individual characters, or a blank space, in a search text string. the underscore _ or asterisk * or percent % or character To search for files named either clash.dgn or crash.dgn, any of these searches would work:
  • c_ash.dgn
  • c*ash.dgn
  • c%ash.dgn
To search for a folder with a space in the name (for example 'Reference Files'), any of these searches would work:
  • reference_files
  • reference*files
  • reference%files